

How to call the kittens with special guests Koziosko and Prosquito

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Past webinars

Good bye (at least for now)

After wonderful (truly, we mean it!) three years of activity, we – Marzhan, Vanda, Michaela, and Nico – Youth Fusion’s core team, have decided to suspend Youth Fusion’s activities.

Youth Fusion Expert Series in Conversation with Jannis Kappelmann 

In this episode, Michaela Sørensen, a core member of Youth Fusion, sits down with Jannis to talk about all things feminist foreign policy and nuclear disarmament. Jannis’ achievements and expertise will undoubtedly pique your interest, especially all our feminists and gender studies listeners out there!

Finding Hope in the Climate-Peace-Disarmament Nexus

Join the Q&A Intergenerational panel. The panel discussion will consider how progress on environmental protection is hampered by armed conflict, nuclear threats, and the massive diversion of resources into weapons and war.