NPT PrepCom Side Event || Youth Hotline: Solutions to burning issues (hybrid)
Join us for a hybrid side event to the NPT Prep Com, discussing inclusivity, education, and our new flagship programming!
NPT PrepCom Side Event || Nuclear Stories: Storytelling in action
Join us for this special 2023 NPT Preparatory Committee side event at the UN in Vienna!
Inter-generational Forum on Peace, Climate Action and Nuclear Disarmament
Learn about our Inter-generational Forum on Peace, Climate Action and Nuclear Disarmament – a hybrid side event at Basel Peace Forum 2023.
IG Live: On Positive Peace & Innovative Opportunities for Youth Globally
Tune in to Instagram to watch a short live in which Vanda introduces the concept of Positive Peace, and two reports published by the Institute for Economics and Peace.
Call for nominations: 2023 PACEY Award is open!
The 2023 PACEY Awards are waiting for you and your brilliance!
“NUCLEAR FEAR”: Nuclear Disarmament Education through Art
Join us for an exclusive pre-screening of “Nuclear Fear” at the The Baha’i International Community’s United Nations Office.
Nuclear risk-reduction and disarmament in a complex security environment
Youth Fusion is co-hosting an in-person event exploring initiatives for advancing nuclear risk-reduction, disarmament and common security with a focus on follow-up to the 10th NPT Review Conference.