Nuclear Collateral Damage: Ariana Tibon

This is the fourth episode of the new podcast series Nuclear Collateral Damage: Conversations with Survivors and Experts. In this series, we aim to raise awareness about the consequences of nuclear weapons testing or use by highlighting voices of previous and current generations who have been negatively impacted up until this day. In addition, we draw attention to a kinship of nuclear weapons testing or use with colonial histories in different parts of the world. By addressing individual and collective traumas, we seek to revive, restore and reclaim human dignity.

In this episode, Youth Fusion converses with Ariana Tibon, a nuclear justice advocate and Commissioner and Nuclear Envoy to the RMI National Nuclear Commission. Aigerim Seitenova, the host of this series, gets to learn about the historical background to the US nuclear testing program in the Marshall Islands, connecting it to nuclear and colonial legacies, forced displacements and how to utilize education to pursue nuclear justice.

Ariana Tibon (Majuro, Republic of the Marshall Islands) for the podcast series Nuclear Collateral Damage: Conversations with Survivors and Experts.

This episode is available on Spotify, Google Podcast,  and a number of other platforms.

For a reading summary of the interview go to the blog article here, and visit the Youth Fusion website to learn more about our initiatives.