On July 13 and July 20 2023, make sure to join our Q&A panel discussion, hosted by Citizens for Global Solutions (CGS), Youth Fusion, and World Federalist Movement – Institute for Global Policy (WFM-IGP), will consider how progress on environmental protection is hampered by armed conflict, nuclear threats, and the massive diversion of resources into weapons and war. In this webinar, we will explore the potential of common security and global governance to foster cooperation to more effectively address climate, peace, and disarmament issues. This intergenerational dialogue will bring together youthful energy and innovation with seasoned expertise and experience, actively engaging our audience to build stronger pathways to a peaceful and sustainable future.
Session I
Region: Americas/Europe/Africa/Middle East
Date: July 13, 2023 | Time: 12:00 PM -1:30 PM EST | 1600 – 1730 UTC | 1700 London | 1800 CET | 1900 Kenya
- William (Bill) R. Pace (USA). Founder and Inaugural Convenor, Coalition for an International Criminal Court. Former Executive Director, World Federalist Movement-Institute for Global Policy (WFM-IGP). Co-founder, International Coalition for the Responsibility to Protect.
- Kehkashan Basu MSM (UAE/Canada). Founder-President, Green Hope Foundation. United Nations Human Rights Champion. Winner, 2016 International Children’s Peace Prize. Council Member, World Future Council. Former UNEP Global Coordinator for Children & Youth;
- Professor Juergen Scheffran (Germany) Professor of Integrative Geography. Chair of the Research Group Climate Change and Security, Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability, University of Hamburg. Principal author, The Climate-Nuclear Nexus.
- Maja Groff (Netherlands) Convenor, Climate Governance Commission. Visiting Professor/Scholar at Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs, Leiden University. Lecturer, Hague Academy of International Law.
- Additional speakers to be confirmed
Session II
Region: Asia/Pacific
Date: July 20, 2023 | Time: 5:00 AM UTC | 10:30 AM Delhi | 2:00 PM Tokyo | 5:00 PM Wellington | 7:00 PM Hawaii | 7:00 AM Eastern Europe | 1:00 AM EST
- Nicole Ponce (Philippines) Co-Founder and Coordinator, I am Climate Justice movement.Asia Front Coordinator, World’s Youth for Climate Justice.
- Disha Ravi (India) Co-founder, Fridays for Future India.
- Dr Justin Sobion LLM (Trinidad and Tobago) Legal Researcher and Teaching Assistant, NewZealand Centre for Enviornmental Law, University of Auckland. Coordinator, Earth Trusteeship Working Group. Co-editor, “Reflections on Earth Trusteeship: Mother Earth and a new 21st Century governance paragdigm.”
- Tadashi Inuzuka (Japan) Co-President, World Federalist Movement – Institute for Global Policy. Executive Director, 3+3 Coalition for a North-East Asia Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone. Former Senator for Nagasaki.
- Augusto Lopez-Claros Executive Director, Global Governance Forum. Senior Fellow at the Edmund Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University. Former Director of the Global Indicators Group in DEC of the World Bank.
- Additional speakers to be confirmed