Youth Fusion Experts Series: in conversation with Lis Kayser

Welcome to the second episode in our Youth Fusion Experts Series, a podcast where we engage with leaders and experts in the various related fields of nuclear disarmament, peace and security, and sustainable development. Through these conversations, we wish to offer you all the chance to learn and be inspired by those who are actively working towards a fairer and more peaceful future for all.

In this episode, Youth Fusion program officer Michaela Sørensen met with Lis Kayser, who is currently doing her PhD at The Danish Institute for International Studies, otherwise known as DIIS, on “T”, which is part of DIIS’s ongoing project called ‘RADIANT’, which stands for ‘Radioactive Ruins: Security in the Age of the Anthropocene’. Lis’ academic background lies in anthropology, which is the field her PhD is in. Her PhD project explores how nuclear legacies, including infrastructural expansion, economic transformation, ruination, and contamination inform competing nuclear imaginaries that reverberate in the present, with a particular focus on French Polynesia. When Michaela and Lis sat down to record this episode, Lis had just come back from field work in the Hao Atoll – making it an extra exciting conversation.

Michaela Sørensen interviewing PhD Student Lis Kayser, for the Youth Fusion Experts Series.

This episode is available on SpotifyGoogle Podcast, and a number of other platforms. For a reading summary of the interview go to the blog article here, and visit the project webpage to learn more about our Experts initiative.