
The Blogs and Articles set forth by the Youth Fusion group are aimed at exploring facets of nuclear disarmament and provide the readers with expanded perspectives on the matter. These blogs and articles are the product of our volunteer teams and Youth Fusion’s staff, we remain open to submissions from young writers and academic minds from around the world.


Unless otherwise specified, the views expressed in Youth Fusion articles represent solely their authors – and not Youth Fusion as a whole.

Youth Fusion’s Gorbachev/Shultz Legacy Award Ceremony

The award recognises Youth Fusion’s leadership in advancing intergenerational cooperation on peace and disarmament, human rights aspects of the nuclear arms race, innovative and interactive methods to engage youth in nuclear disarmament issues, and for building connections and cooperation between peace, nuclear disarmament, climate action and public health.

Ban as the New NORMal

Youth Fusion Intern, Ivan Siluianov explores the nature of international norms, their so-called lifecycle in an attempt to facilitate the internalization of the new norms set out in the TPNW.